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Since 1921 photographic plates and processing chemicals were originally produced under brand FOMA. At present factory of FOMA BOHEMIA Ltd. keeps manufacturing of black & white photo films (negative and reversal), photographic papers both in MG (multigrade) & fixed grades and different types of processing chemicals.
Among the unique B&W photo materials you can find negative film Fomapan 200, reversal film Fomapan R, special warmtone paper Fomatone MG, contact printing paper Fomalux, stable negative developer Fomadon Excel (type of X-tol), positive and negative developer Foma Universal Developer, gelatine Photographic Emulsion, etc.
Negative and reversal photographic films Contemporary FOMA´s range of black & white photo films includes panchromatically sensitized negative films in speeds ISO 100, 200 and 400. These films are manufactured in 35 mm for 36, 24 exposures and in long length rolls, also in size 120 and in sheet films regarding the speeds of 100 and 200 ISO. At the same time our company keeps producing of b&w reversal film FOMAPAN R, used for transparencies taking and movies making.
MG papers and Graded photo papers on RC & FB, Warmtone MG papers, Special papers, Emulsion Our portfolio of black & white photographic papers includes primarily multigrade (MG) / variant contrast (VC) photographic papers made both on resin-coated (RC) base and fiber/baryta base (FB), in neutral tone and warmtone. Papers with fixed grades are still available too. Within special papers we keep production of contact printing paper FOMALUX and warmtone papers coated on natural base FOMATONE MG Classic 532, 542. As complementary product gelatine photographic emulsion is supplied.
Film and Paper Developers, Fixers, Toners, Stop bath, Wetting agent, Emulsion All processing and other chemicals are developed and produced in FOMA factory to comply best with the qualities of our own photographic films and papers. We can offer to you wide range of negative and positive developers both in liquid and powder, liquid rapid fixer and powder acid fixer, sepia and indigo toners, stop bath, wetting agent and emulsion.
In case that you are looking for FOMA´s equivalent to another brand made by existing or former producer/competitor, we recommend you to continue in this section. You will find here comparative tables of FOMA´s films, papers and processing chemicals to particular product types of Ilford, Kodak, Agfa and Forte. All this information you can see also in Download, upper menu.
We present you another new product - black and white paper of FOMABROM N chamois. With this warm-toned photographic paper, we are continuing our very successful line of the products in a retro style!
Discover the exceptional enchantment of b/w photo paper FOMAPASTEL MG in six stylish colour variations. Yellow, red, green, blue, magenta and cyan – are already on sale. Give your photos an original image and create artistic work with an unique colour background. FOMAPASTEL MG combines the classic b/w photography with a modern colour tinge that enlivens every picture.
For fans of 8 mm and 16 mm cinematographic films, we have prepared new panchromatic film FOMAPAN Cine 100 and orthochromatic film FOMA Cine Ortho 400.
We have expanded the range of FOMA Ortho 400 with a new perforated film 135-36 exposures