"Cookies" Policy

What are "Cookies":

In order to improve the services provided, our website uses "cookies". "Cookies" are small files that store information in your browser and are commonly used to distinguish individual users. However, the user's person is not identifiable on the basis of this information. Cookies thus help, for example:

  • to the proper functioning of our site in order to complete the purchase process with the least difficulty
  • to remember our customers' login details so they don't have to enter them every time
  • to remember the contents of the cart if the order is not completed during one visit
  • for memorizing filters, sorting and displaying products according to user preferences
  • they help us to prevent visitors from seeing ads for goods they are not interested in
  • to monitor traffic statistics of our website
Overview commonly used "Cookies" Yours "Cookies" settings
Кинематографическaя пленка

Для любителей кинематографических пленок формата 8 мм и 16 мм мы подготовили новую панхроматическую пленку FOMAPAN Cine 100 и ортохроматическую пленку FOMA Cine Ortho 400.

FOMA Ortho 400 - перфорированная пленка

Мы недавно расширили серию FOMA Ortho 400 перфорированной пленкой 135-36 кадров.

Новая фотобумага

Мы подготовили для вас новинку - черно-белую фотобумагу в стиле ретро - RETROBROM Sp с глянцевой и полуматовой поверхностью.
